1-2 inches of snow is expected for tomorrow morning. That can be good or bad I guess, good for me. I absolutely love winter. I plan to move to possibly Colorado someday, just someplace where it snows a lot. Also, the roads should be well frozen as it is expected to dip below 30. I doubt we'll have a cancellation, but dare I say a delay is likely? All of my new classes suck dick. Let's go over them; A-block I have intro to business. On the very first day, I was able to determine that I know more about business than the woman teaching it. How fucking sad is that? I know I'll learn nothing from that class, but should be able to get an A nontheless. Next I have Pre-Calculus. Mr. Nixt seems like an "ok" teacher, but he talks loud. Perhaps he suffers from voice immodulation? I'll pretty much have to learn something in this class, and I should be able to pull off an A in this class as well. Next, I have English. I am going to fall asleep in that class so damn much, honestly, if I don't get 8 hours (which I never do) I'll be asleep before the second half. I'll get an A, but probably argue with the teacher a lot. I've been told by many sources that she marks off opinions different than her's. Almost done now, I have keyboarding. Why oh why oh why did they not have something more useful available? Me taking this class is like Trey taking Math 1. I may not be the most computer savvy person in the school, but i'm sure as hell up there. I probably should've just taken the study hall. No, then I wouldn't get my credit. Unfortunatly, two of my classes are filled with more than one person I can't stand. And somehow one person whom I would like to stab has ended up in two of my classes. Then there's band. Concert Band sure does suck some dick. The music always sucks, it's always boring, and I never ever learn anything new. I wish we had year-round marching band. I'd march in the snow.
YAY!!! you mentioned me, and in a good way too!!!!!
Olner Paper Presenter, at 7:31 PM
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