Hmm, what to write about? I've got it! Hold on a jiffy while I whip it out. Alright, ready? Why is it that people involved in music-related activities always make-fun-of and put down people in sports? This is an increasing problem that is quite honestly bugging the hell out of me. I am looking for an honest answer, from some idiot that actually does this. Or possibilities from anyone. Perhaps they think that all "preps", "poppies", or "richers" always make fun of them? I have never heard an un-kind word about a music-related person in my Junior year. Not a single damn one. That excuse is therefor, invalid. Another possibility being, music people do more than sports people. Hmm, hard to say. Well no, it isn't. Just about the same time is spent in both. Let's see, what else is there. That sports people are more well-liked. Yes, by the people they hang out with. If their friends' opinions mean that much to you, then start playing sports. I forget the rest of what I was going to say. And, I refuse to post a new post until this one has recieved 5 comments.
usually a case of narcissism brought on during childhood
Ben Ditty, at 6:58 PM
I agree with you Bob. I'm sick of, let's just call them the Music Freaks, making fun of everyone else just because they aren't in music. I can't go a day without hearing a music person make fun of a person who plays sports, or even doesn't do anything. Some people aren't capable of doing extracuriculars, and still do things productive in their spare time. I have yet to hear a "jock" make fun of the band, or the Show Choir.
TheBassRocker, at 12:48 AM
I have heard a "jock" make fun of both of those groups. I am guilty of making generalizations about the poppies, but I only cite actual indidents of poppie injustice toward others in my blog. I have yet to writ a blog made of purely generalizations (although several blogs have hints of that really long word). See my entry "Hey, I'm a Big Cool Football Player" for an actual event of a poppie/jock/ whatever label you'd like to place, making fun of a musical activity. I do not scorn sports, many poppies are not even involved with sports...i.e. I diss the poppies, not the sports themselves. Thank you.
CarlyJoAugs, at 10:35 PM
Okie dokie
TheBassRocker, at 10:43 PM
woo 5th comment! oh I guess I better say something important..umm SOMETHING IMPORTANT! wooo
Ben Ditty, at 11:33 PM
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