Something that pisses me off. People's religious views. More specifically that of the Christian and Catholic varieties. This is coming in response to reading some comments and a friend's blog about Gay Marriage. How these people take what they believe, and use it for absolute and undeniable fact for everyone else is simply disguisting. How they complain about the closedmindedness of people, but they themselves cannot see beyond their own prejudices. How they skew the meanings of politcal and religious documents on a whim. How they belive everyone elses life should be lived by their personal values. How they do not even question something, and just blindly follow along with it, and expect everyone else to do the same. As the author said, society is something that evolves and changes, it isn't the same now, as it was 100 years ago. People back then were finding passages from the bible that supported slavery, or at least, saying that those passages supported it. You people now are no different then the biggots of yesteryear. They're just a different shade of black, and you're just burning a different cross. It also pisses me off when people don't leave comments. I couldn't get more controversial on here if I showed a picture of myself raping a dead dog.
I'm catholic, but I don't believe that everyone should do what I believe, I
just believe what i do.
TheBassRocker, at 8:15 PM
I don't blindly follow anything. I analyze biblical writings and base my opiniuons on that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Olner Paper Presenter, at 8:51 PM
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