Thoughts and such

Friday, May 05, 2006

It has been a very long time since I have posted, and for that I am sorry. For everything else, I'm not. As it turns out, I'm now going to prom. If I didn't typically withhold names from blogs, I'd tell you who. If you really want to know though, just ask. I went to see a movie just a while ago, and boy oh boy is this city not cool. The movie was alright I guess, but the crowd was terrible. A guy answered his ringing phone during the movie, and started talking, and then walked out. Also, when we got there, there were cops, and goths. One of the Sheriff's was writing a ticket, and the other was talking to people. Most of the other people were teens and whatnot, but still a very dark crowd. Then after the movie, there was a little patch of people outside the theatre doors, which was weird. That seems like an uncool place to hangout to me. Anywho, I'm doing alright, and I hope you are too. Have a nice day!


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