Salutations everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Everyone having a good time tonight? Alright, good crowd. I have a dream, sort of. Next year is the year of opportunity for us now Juniors, and I plan to live it to the fullest. One of my ambitions, is to get a full JSA. By that, I mean a chapter containing more than 30 students. We'll start the first month of the year, no matter what. My only problem is, finding students interested in Government and Politics. So, if you are interested in anything remotely close to any of this, then come talk to me. Worst case scenario, you'll find out that it's something you don't like, no big whoop. Best case, you find that it's something you love, and it positively changes your life forever. The good far outweighs the bad, so come talk to me about it. Plus, you get to go on at least two trips a year! Both of which aren't too expensive. One to D.C., and then one to Columbus, possibly more if you join! So, do what you can, and spread the word. Only you can make JSA the coolest fucking organization ever! :)
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
This blog is about societal matters, so listen up. Point 1, calling someone fat is not an insult. However this may seem untrue, I asure you, it isn't. It's sort of like calling a black person "dark skinned." Both in what it means, and how it should be interpreted. It is nothing more than an observation. It's much the same as me informing you that you're wearing socks. So, I would appreciate it if people could start calling fat-people something better. Perhaps insult something that isn't visable to everyone in the room, IE; Idiot. And lastly, Point 2. People who inform people of other embarrasing things. For example, people who won't tell you if your fly is unzipped. It's only awkward for 2 seconds, and then, it was a nice gesture. So, the next time you see someone you dislike, and they happen to be fat, let them know that they're fat on the inside too. And the next time you see someone's dick hanging, tell them.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
1-2 inches of snow is expected for tomorrow morning. That can be good or bad I guess, good for me. I absolutely love winter. I plan to move to possibly Colorado someday, just someplace where it snows a lot. Also, the roads should be well frozen as it is expected to dip below 30. I doubt we'll have a cancellation, but dare I say a delay is likely? All of my new classes suck dick. Let's go over them; A-block I have intro to business. On the very first day, I was able to determine that I know more about business than the woman teaching it. How fucking sad is that? I know I'll learn nothing from that class, but should be able to get an A nontheless. Next I have Pre-Calculus. Mr. Nixt seems like an "ok" teacher, but he talks loud. Perhaps he suffers from voice immodulation? I'll pretty much have to learn something in this class, and I should be able to pull off an A in this class as well. Next, I have English. I am going to fall asleep in that class so damn much, honestly, if I don't get 8 hours (which I never do) I'll be asleep before the second half. I'll get an A, but probably argue with the teacher a lot. I've been told by many sources that she marks off opinions different than her's. Almost done now, I have keyboarding. Why oh why oh why did they not have something more useful available? Me taking this class is like Trey taking Math 1. I may not be the most computer savvy person in the school, but i'm sure as hell up there. I probably should've just taken the study hall. No, then I wouldn't get my credit. Unfortunatly, two of my classes are filled with more than one person I can't stand. And somehow one person whom I would like to stab has ended up in two of my classes. Then there's band. Concert Band sure does suck some dick. The music always sucks, it's always boring, and I never ever learn anything new. I wish we had year-round marching band. I'd march in the snow.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Hey there spidey fans! Hope everyone is doing well, I'm doing alright myself. And now comes the time of year where Robert works close to 40 hours a week. Wait a minute, thats illegal! No it isn't! I work for my dad, so, these laws apply not to me. I got a pay raise for this year, which is good. I'm now making $10 an hour, but, half of that goes towards my college savings account. Not by choice mind you, but I think i'll be thankful eventually. My exams turned out alright, D and A. You may be appauled by the D, but wether I got an A, B, C, or D my grade stays the same. Hey, I'm not going to do anything I don't have to. Some bad news though, I ended up getting a "B" in Chemistry for the second semester, which wouldn't be as bad, if I wasn't 1 point away from getting the A. Yeah, 1 lousy ass ramming point. Something like 571/625 is what I ended up with. It hurts, a lot. Which also means, I likely won't be taking Physics. I don't care if it seems childish, i'm not taking it. That short hairy woman will just have to stick her un-fun class up her butt. I also purchased Battle Field 2 for PC this weekend. A very good game, nice graphics, great gameplay, and the button scheme makes sense! I've also gained a very deep liking of Bowling for Soup, I'd classify them as one of my top 5 favorite bands. Unfortunately, they don't have too many (EASILY FINDABLE OR KNOWN) songs out :/ We also added a new member to Short Notice, but do to my own personal Privacy Policy, his name will not be released. If you have any comments about this blog, Short Notice, or me, please feel free to leave a comment. Have a nice day!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Who is Bob, part II. Bob is a very angry person. Yes, it's true. I'm angry a lot. I'm not just spastically angry or anything, but a lot of things make me angry. Most of the things are people, and/or the things that they do. One example of my anger is driving. I cannot stand bad drivers. Why? Because you SHOULD have 50 hours with someone, and learn how to drive. Secondly, you have likely had to have taken a class on driving, a class on nothing but driving! And lastly, you had to take a fucking test! So, I swear, grit my teeth, and have increased blood pressure quite often while driving. And no, I don't have road rage, I have never had any incidents or accidents as a result of my anger, it's safe anger. One of the reasons I believe I am so angry, is because I have no real way of letting out my anger. I don't believe a blog does it, most of the time anyway, drumming doesn't really, playing videogames doesn't. I think if I were to regularly hit people though, I might feel much better. If you have any ways of expressing anger, and care to share them with me, please do so.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Who is Bob, Part I. This is the first section of hopefully many sections. In each section, I will choose a trait of mine, or a skill, or a habit, and give some background about it. Sound fun? Alright then. For my first part, I'll share about my lack of concern for other people's opinions of me. First off, you're thinking, wow, this kid is original, and he uses a lot of comma's, anyways, you're likely thinking that this very first statement is a plea for attention. Not so, I managed to get along my first year of High School just fine without attention, admitidly I do enjoy attention, it isn't necessary. So, if you deem it necessary to ignore me for a short while after reading this, that's your choice. Now, having a lack of concern for other people's opinions is hardly ever a good thing, but is quite commonly a bad thing. First off, it is difficult to get anywhere in this world while completely ignoring everyone in it. Which brings me to my first exception, people whom I genuinely care for's opinions DO mean something to me. My thing is, that I feel no need to impress a complete stranger. I don't get the same sick satisfaction that quite a few do, from seeing that everyone likes me. Would it be nice if they did? Yeah. But I don't think I need to make any adjustment to myself to make things that way. Now, examples to prove my point. Keep in mind, I don't do these just for the result that you all see. First off, the music I listen to. Most of you probably know that I listen to Metal and Classic rock. Now, why would someone as mild as me do something like this? Because it is enjoyable to my mind and my ears. Few things get me going like a killer guitar riff, or a high-pitched voice yelling about the man putting him down with a dominating drum beat behind it. Secondly, my clothes. Now, some of you know that I wear the same shirts quite often. Once a week being quite often. If it's clean, why not wear it? I mean, come on. This falls under one of those things were people sometimes get taken aback by it, just because I enjoy wearing the same shirts. If you ever think one of my shirts is dirty, then come right up and sniff me. Being a larger person, I sweat more than others, so if the shirt is being re-used before it has been washed, you'll know. Side note (I don't just randomly sweat mind you, I do have five dogs to take care of, and other chores around the house.) Back to clothes. Have you ever seen me walking around in a "Name brand" shirt? No! I don't and likely never will, see brand names as a fashion statement. I wear T-shirts, and something nice over it. (Wearing two shirts is the best way to dress, allowing for you to make the most out of your outfit in diverse weather and possibly stain situations.) Alright, I think I got my point across. Now it's time for your input. What could be the negative aspects of this lifestyle choice? Go ahead and leave a comment. Don't be afraid, you can do it. Come on. Leave a comment. I know you can do it. I really do. Just type something constructive, and hit enter. There ya go! Nice work.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Do you know what really grinds my gears? People under the age of 21 that drink regularly. First off, it shouldn't even be possible. I s'pose they have a "friend" or a hobo buy it for them. Secondly, don't people have a problem with building such a dangerous addiction before they're even a legal adult? Obviously not. Thirdly, people who can't fucking drive in the first place, drive while intoxicated. Yes, that's right my little viking friends, people our age, are drinking and driving. The people that "can't" drink, and for all intensive purposes cannot drive, do both at the same time. It's just mind boggling. These are the kind of people that I just wish would die. I wish they'd just drive off of a fucking bridge and burn to death. Another thing that gets me, people who pretend to be drunk. Yeah, people who type poorly, and pretend to be drunk. Drinking does not impair your typing. If you'd like me to prove it, give me $50, and a college student. God damn that pisses me off. It is not cool to drink alcohol. It just isn't. Now am I saying that I have never had alcohol? Nope. But in the safety of my own home, and under supervision of my parents. And before anyone of you comments negatively, no, my parents don't sit around and watch me get shit-faced. That's all for now, you fucking boozers.