Thoughts and such

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Well 'ello there, chaps! I hope everyone is enjoying their New Year's Eve Day. Here's the Christmas re-cap for yours truely.

- PS3 Home Entertainment System
- Pearl EX Custom Drumset
- NFS: Carbon, Tony Hawk: P8
- Other stuff

I also received an early graduation present, it's a laptop. But no, it's not one of you run of the mill shanty laptops, it's a laptop only I could use to it's full potential. It's an Alienware. Mmm, Alienware. Mmm, materialism....

I was also accepted to The Ohio State University.......Marion.

At least it'll make my parents happy, and I guess an extra year of hanging out with Ma and Pa isn't too bad. Also, if it gets bad enough, I can always transfer! I'm positive OSU is the place for me, just maybe not OSUM. For those of you reading this unaware of the situation, OSU is the main campus of the largest university in the U.S., OSUM is a regional campus with somewhere around 8,000 people enrolled.

Alright, that's enough, later yo.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Woah, I fell off of the blogger ball.

It's worth it, I assure you.

Lately I've been thinking about that whole religion thing again. It's kind of bothersome. I don't really know what I believe in, which is bad.

That however, is not the blogs main focus, the main focus is.....the break up.

So, I've been in a band for about 2 years I'd estimate. The band is called Short Notice, and it is comprised of myself, and two of my buds. However, as of the 20th of December, after our concert....we're done. It's depressing. We've been through quite a bit of stuff too, we've made music, like original songs and stuff. We've done shows, we've made people happy with music. We have fans, people who support our music! I wish people would all get along some times, as hippie as that may sound.

It's kind of like the song "Rockstar" by Nickelback. I really just wanna be a rockstar.

So, what to do now?