Bloggers, I come to you in dissapointment. Tonight, was probably the worst band performance........ever. The saddest thing about it is, that we were still better than many other schools, on half-time that is. Pre-game, was absolutely the worst thing ever. Everything possible to go wrong in that show, went wrong. Honestly, if you went through the drill, and messed it up, it couldn't be that bad. It was terrifying. Comically enough though, we blocked out last year's homecoming queen. Ha! Cardington's halftime show was fucking sweet. They had a guitarist, and two drummers, who both had quite awesome solos. I wish we had awesome drum solos..... I guess that's about it. I kind of wish that I had gotten into sports instead of music, I would've been happier right now. Bleccccccchhhhhh. I can't be a better leader to my section, I just can't. I do everything I can. I offer help to my section-members, I tell them what to do, I tell them how to do it. I defend them, even though they're always wrong. I don't hit them, even though they severely deserve to be hit. I just can't do anymore. There is a certain point were leadership can't help any. You have to be willing; where there's a will, there's a way. My section members are will-less. If you took the worst people, at everything, and put them together, you'd get my section. I get the half-retarded kids, that have no right to be in band. I'm going to say it, band isn't for everyone. If you suck, and you're an asshat, band isn't for you. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I'm a terrible human-being and section leader. I don't know, I try my hardest, maybe it isn't good enough. You tell me.
the second song wasn't too should brandish a whip. If people are gonna be abused they play better.
Ben Ditty, at 11:27 PM
I felt terrible that night too.
CarlyJoAugs, at 10:04 PM
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